Attention Getting Communication Strategies (Or W.C. Fields Was Wrong)

“Never work with animals or children.” W.C. Fields Companies wanting to get their messages out are probably best not to follow W.C.’s advice.  After all, page two of this past weekend’s Toronto Star has an article about the latest in viral YouTube sensations: “Emerson–Mommy’s Nose is Scary,” which, at this moment, has more than seven…Continue reading Attention Getting Communication Strategies (Or W.C. Fields Was Wrong)

Green Guide for Communicators

Confused about the difference between Social Responsibility, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Sustainability? Don’t know what the ISO 26000 is? Want to help your business go green but are afraid of being accused of green washing? Two of my colleagues on the International Association of Business Communicators Social Responsibility Committee have put together this excellent…Continue reading Green Guide for Communicators

Mental Health in the Workplace: Let’s Talk About It

A twitter acquaintance has recently come out online about his experience with depression, connecting his business and personal personas and bravely allowing his business acquaintances to learn about his mental health challenges. In doing so, he inspired this latest blog post. This past fall, I attended the IAPA (Industrial Accident Prevention Association) conference. At the…Continue reading Mental Health in the Workplace: Let’s Talk About It

My Top Ten Twitter Thanksgiving List

In honour (honor) of American Thanksgiving tomorrow, here are my top ten things I am grateful to Twitter for:   Enabling me to meet people online, and then offline, whom I never would have connected with otherwise. Through Twitter I’ve “met” people who share the same interests and often the same values about subjects close to my heart like health care, combatting…Continue reading My Top Ten Twitter Thanksgiving List