My Top Ten Twitter Thanksgiving List

In honour (honor) of American Thanksgiving tomorrow, here are my top ten things I am grateful to Twitter for:   Enabling me to meet people online, and then offline, whom I never would have connected with otherwise. Through Twitter I’ve “met” people who share the same interests and often the same values about subjects close to my heart like health care, combatting…Continue reading My Top Ten Twitter Thanksgiving List

How not to bore your audience

“The fundamental things apply, as time goes by.”                                                Herman Hupfeldt.   A couple of weeks back now, I was fortunate to attend the MARCOM 2009 conference, courtesy of IABC/Toronto (thank you!). While I was excited to learn new social media strategies from such speakers as Rahaf Harfoush, who was a member of Obama’s New Media Team, and Louise Clements, head of sales at Facebook…Continue reading How not to bore your audience

Who’s Your Media Spokesperson? We All Are Now

Mashable had a great post today about organizations needing to have social media policies.  This is applicable not only to how employees use social media tools like Linkedin, Twitter and Facebook but also how they respond to questions put to them by bloggers, citizen journalists or even their friends with Twitter accounts. In the past, I have been the…Continue reading Who’s Your Media Spokesperson? We All Are Now